Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse: Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life

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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Continuing education for Psychologist book coverTreating Survivors of Childhood Abuse:  Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life

M. Cloitre, Ph.D., L.R. Cohen Ph.D., and K.C. Koenen, Ph.D., 2006. 316 Pages

10 Hours CE Credits

80 Questions: True/False and Multiple Choice

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                          Book and Test: $132

                             Test Only:$87

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This course provides a two-phase treatment program specifically designed for adult survivors of childhood abuse. Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIRS) includes strategies and exercises for teaching clients how to regulate their emotions and acquire interpersonal skills that they normally would have developed during childhood. In the second phase of treatment, Narrative Story Telling (NST) allows clients to repeatedly tell their stories of abuse in order to ameliorate trauma-related disturbances such as post truamatic stress disorder, depression, dissociation, anger, shame, and loss. 

Learning Objectives:


Course Outline:

  1. Introduction

    1. The trauma of childhood abuse:  A resource loss model

    2. Attachment:  When protector and perpetrator are one

    3. Development in the context of deprivation

    4. Treatment rationale

    5. Building emotional and social resources:  Overview of STAIR

    6. Working with traumatic memories:  Overview of NST

    7. Transforming shame and loss

    8. Guidelines for implementing treatment

    9. Assessment of client and match for treatment

  2. Phase 1.  Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR)

    1. Session 1.       The resource of hope:  Introducing the client to treatment

    2. Session 2.       The resource of feelings:  Emotional awareness

    3. Session 3.       Emotion regulation

    4. Session 4.       Emotionally engaged living

    5. Session 5.       The resource of connection:  Understanding relationship patterns

    6. Session 6.       Changing relationship patterns

    7. Session 7.       Agency in relationships

    8. Session 8.       Flexibility in relationships

  3. Phase 2.  Narrative Story Telling (NST)

    1. Session 9.       Moving from skills training to narrative processing of trauma:  How do you know your client is ready?

    2. Session 10.     Narrative of first memory

    3. Session 11-15. Narratives of fear  

    4. Session 11-15. Narratives of shame

    5. Session 11-15. Narratives of loss

    6. Session 16.     The last session

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