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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Psychology continuing education book coverTreating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem-Solving Approach

Ross Greene, Ph.D., and J. Stuart Ablon, Ph.D., 2006. 226 Pages

8 Hours CE Credits

45 Questions: True/False, Multiple Choice, and Matching


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   Book and Test: $97

      Test Only:$70

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This course presents the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) model for treating children who severely resist adult authority and have explosive outbursts. By addressing explosive behavior as an interaction between kids and their caregivers, the CPS model provides practical strategies for helping parents and other caregivers handle conflict successfully. Clinicians learn how to identify cognitive factors leading to explosive behavior and teach kids and caregivers skills for remediating deficits and handling strife. Interventions in schools and in therapeutic/restrictive facilities are included.

Learning Objectives:

Course Outline:

  1. Explosive Children and Adolescents: The Need for a Different Paradigm

  2. Identifying Pathways and Triggers

  3. Options for Handling Problems: Three Plans

  4. Plan B Basics

  5. Beyond the Basics

  6. Skills Trained with Plan B

  7. Collaborative Problem Solving in Schools

  8. Collaborative Problem Solving in Therapeutic/Restrictive Settings

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