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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

                     Christopher K. Germer, PhD, Ronald D. Siegal, PhD, and Paul R. Fulton, EdD., Eds
. 308 Pages

10 Hours CE Credits

72  Questions: Multiple Choice and True/False

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  Book and Test: $113

   Test Only: $85


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This course presents how mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can inform psychotherapy and how psychotherapy can enrich mindfulness practice. Key concepts embedded in Buddhist approach to psyhocology, including causation of human suffering, are discussd, as well as how mindfulness techniques can be applied with various populations. 

Learning Objectives:

Course Outline:

  1. Mindfulness:  What is it?  What Does it Matter?

  2. Buddhist and Western psychology: Seeking Common Ground

  3. Mindfulness as Clinical Training

  4. Cultivating Attention and Compassion

  5. Relational Mindfulness

  6. Practical Ethics

  7. Teaching Mindfulness in Therapy

  8. Depression:  Finding a Way In, Finding a Way Out

  9. Anxiety: Accepting What Comes

  10. Psychophysiological Disorders:  Embracing Pain

  11. Mindfulness, Insight, and Trauma Therapy

  12. Breaking the Addiction Loop

  13. Working with Children

  14. The Roots of Mindfulness

  15. The Neurobiology of Mindfulness

  16. Positive Psychology and the Bodhisattva Path

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