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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Continuing education book cover for Psychologists, Social Workers, and Mental Health CounselorsEmphasizing the Interpersonal in Psychotherapy: 
Families and Groups in the Era of Cost Containment

Claude Villeneuve, M.D. 2001. 149 Pages.

5 Hours CE Credits

40 Questions: True/False and Multiple Choice

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                                                                                   Book and Test: $65

                                                                                         Test Only: $41

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This course explains the the concepts underpinning Interpersonal therapy and compares the Interpersonal approach to alternative orientations such as classic psychoanalysis. The material describes the advantages of conceptualizing the individual as part of an inter-personal system of intimate relationships, and involving the family (and/or significant others) in addressing the individual's clinical problems. The course offers practical guidance in applying the Interpersonal approach to specific populations and problems.

Learning Objectives:

Course Outline:

  1. Overview

  2. Shortcomings of Individual Psychotherapy

  3. The Interpersonal Orientation

  4. Conjoint Therapy

  5. Group Approaches

  6. Conjoint and Group Therapy for Adolescence and Old Age

  7. Conjoint and Group Therapy and Psychiatric Conditions

  8. Integration of Conjoint and Group Therapy

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