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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Psychology continuing education book coverHandbook of the Clinical Treatment of Infidelity

F. Piercy, Ph.D., K. Hertlein, Ph.D., and J. Wetchler, Ph.D., Eds. 2005. 213 Pages

7 Hours CE Credits

40 Questions: True/False and Multiple Choice

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Book and Test: $104

 Test Only:$60




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This course examines issues, circumstances, and treatment approaches related to infidelity. Issues include definitions of infidelity, impact on relationships (between couples, families, and social support networks), and psychological effects. Marriages and dating relationships are addressed, and well as circumstances including long-term affairs, short term interludes, internet liaisons, gay lifestyles, and extra-dyadic relationships. Treatment models include Emotionally Focused Therapy, use of apology and forgiveness, individual and group therapy, and family therapy. Psychological effects, such as splitting, emotional trauma, guilt, loss of self esteem, and attachment dilemmas are discussed.

Learning Objectives:

Course Outline:

  1. Infidelity: An overview

  2. Broken Bonds: An Emotionally Focused Approach to Infidelity

  3. Undercurrents

  4. Healing the Wounds of Infidelity Through the Healing Power of Apology and Forgiveness

  5. Split-Self Affairs and Their Treatment

  6. Marital Infidelity: The Effects of Delayed Traumatic Reaction

  7. "Accusatory Suffering" in the Offended Spouse

  8. Helping a Couple Move Through the Painful and Pernicious Effects of Infidelity

  9. Taking the Good with the Bad: Applying Klein's Work to Further Our Understandings of Cyber-Cheating

  10. Cyber-Affairs: "What's the Big Deal?" Therapeutic Considerations

  11. The Relationship, if Any, Between Marriage and Infidelity

  12. A Family Systems Approach to Working with Sexually Open Gay Male Couples

  13. Your Cheatin' Heart: Myths and Absurdities About Extradyadic Relationships

  14. Internet Infidelity: A Multi-Phase Delphi Study

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