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A Home Study Continuing Education Course for
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors

Book CoverHandbook of Anger Management:  Individual, Couple, Family, and Group Approaches

Ronald T. Potter-Efron, MSW, Ph.D. 2005. 279 Pages.

9 Hours CE Credits

70 Questions: True/False and Multiple Choice

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 Book and Test: $117

    Test Only: $77


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This easy-to-read course contains step-by-step instructions for intervening with angry and aggressive children, adolescents, and adults. Treatment implications of different styles of anger and domestic aggression are explained; treatment goals and specific types of emotional, thought, and behavioral changes are delineated.

Learning Objectives:

Course Outline:

  1. Definitions and Basic Approach

  2. Assessment for Anger, Aggression, and Domestic Abuse

  3. Intervention Approaches in Anger Management

  4. Group and Individual Approaches to Anger and Aggression Management

  5. Attachment Theory, Domestic Violence, Jealousy, and Couples Counseling

  6. Working with Angry Children Adolescents, and Families

  7. Resentment, Hate, Forgiveness, and Self-Forgiveness

  8. Anger Turned Inward

  9. The Emotional Brain: Anger, Fear, and Therapy

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